The award-winning 2021 movie “Belfast” tells the tale of a loving young family living in the city during 1969, the era of “The Troubles.” It’s a poignant story, revealing the difficulties of life back in the day. Fortunately, in the …
The world watched the spectacular Coronation of His Royal Highness King Charles III and the Queen Consort Camilla in Westminster Abbey in London, U.K., on Saturday, May 6, 2023. It was a fabulous spectacle of colorful pageantry, pomp and people watching. …
If ultra-luxury voyages or expedition travel “float your boat,” it’s great to know that Seabourn has unveiled new, value-added cruise promotions this week. Look for generous air credits and extraordinary savings. “There is an extraordinary opportunity for guests to book …
In the 19th century, Alphonse de Lamartine, a French minister for Europe and foreign affairs, once remarked, “If one had but a single glance to give the world, one should gaze on Istanbul.” To do so, readers can easily visit this …
For consumers “surfing” Uniworld Boutique River Cruises’ online web site, one of the top searches is “Greece.” That’s amazing, given that the luxury river line doesn’t even sail there. But this month, Uniworld took notice. It expanded its European portfolio …
What’s new in European touring? Well, many travelers will be excited to hear about six new Tauck river cruise itineraries for 2024. That’s the most Tauck has ever added in a single year on the continent. (Tauck’s Esprit is featured …
In good news for foodies, Chef Rudi Sodamin, head of culinary arts, Princess Cruises, has unveiled a new eatery at sea, The Catch by Rudi. Replacing Bistro Sur La Mer, it debuted on Enchanted Princess, which emerged from drydock on …
If there’s no place like home, then a vacation that’s closer to home can be a great option. In fact, many consumers tell their travel advisor they desire such a getaway as their second or third trip of the year. …
As Billboard Onboard’s two energetic piano players concluded their half-hour music set of “One Hit Wonders,” we experienced the beauty of Music Walk on Holland America Line’s Rotterdam this week. Grabbing our drink, we quickly strolled just a few feet across the corridor. …
Celebrating 150 years of sailing history this month, Holland America Line’s flagship Rotterdam is headed across the Atlantic right now — on target for an April 18, 2023, meet-up with VIPs and Dutch citizens and royalty in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. …